Wednesday, August 17

FOLLOWING UP 4: Affirmations

heaven on earth
the sapient paradise
is not an illusionary dream

but our present reality

ever present in the logic of it all
at this particular point
in astro time/history

"implicit in the design
at every point or stage"

does that mean Loving
Intelligence somehow

behind the whole
puppet show

or simply Incarnate
ever here & now
never lonely
ever in love
pilgrims all

it's this wonder
of living in the present
in the knowledge and love
of the Whole Thing

nothing can diminish it

all are caught up in the spell

humanity's ghastly history closed
for ever: the book of the past

this is obolworld
on planet asphodel

where peace & logic & love
are taken for granted

the countenance divine
one's true self all around


in wisdom we unite


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