Tuesday, July 12

paragraph 12

(paragraph 12)
So I have made my pitch once again, seeking to arouse the interest of others in ideas appropriate to humanity’s present dilemma. It will be, on Bastille Day 14th July, exactly 9 years since a friend helped me publish a book (largely of letters) entitled "Peace on Earth", which I hoped would find its way into every home on earth as "users’ manual and text-book" for the maturation of the species. Immediately it was warmly welcomed and I myself extensively interviewed on the internationally awarded arts programme of a local near-Dublin radio (East Coast Radio 30th July ad 1996), and I fondly imagined follow-up. Not a bit of it. Whether because it normally takes more consistent propaganda to find an audience for any book these days, or because of hidden conservative pressure (the presenter lost her job shortly afterwards and, although since then established on Ireland’s national broadcaster RTE, has been careful not step out of line the same way twice), or any combination or extension of such obstacles, the book flopped. So for over a quarter-century my ideas have gone largely unheeded. This is of course a long time in one individual life -- and has caused my family great difficulty -- but no time at all in human, let alone planetary or cosmic history. I note that Charles Darwin kept his revolutionary ideas to himself for a similar length of time, fearful of being too far in advance of the thinking of his fellows. And I wonder if, during those years of reticence, his mind did not get accustomed to the novelty he was proposing, so that when he finally published "The Origin of the Species" its phrasings were perhaps more measured and mature than possible earlier. Certainly I have been extremely excited at times during the past 28 years, and am less so now. My own end cannot be all that far off, and my ability to debate and defend my ideas could well be nearer still; if my fellows do not respond now -- despite whatever shortcomings they may find in my presentation -- and discover whether their understanding is not greatly enhanced by consideration of my position, then there will be little more I can do about it.

As I stated in paragraph 2, my preference is for personal visits of any or all who are seriously interested and peaceful and normally considerate. I have a large garden (tents?), there are guest-houses, and buses to Dublin, -- and the whole Glen of Imaal where I live is largely empty should hundreds or thousands arrive with genuine interest. The local police have been kept in touch throughout, and during the long years of waiting I have sketched out plans for developments on both a local and global scale ("Pageant Asphodel"). Bob Geldof’s hopes and ideals are nothing in comparison. Neither he nor anyone I have heard of has thought the whole human dilemma through the way I have. Initially, 28 years ago, I naturally expected others to join with me in thinking and working it all out. That did not happen, and I continued in an isolation that for many years bitterly increased. More recently there seems to be a thaw, I certainly hope so.
At this stage help is what I need, the more the better. It is fairly easy for me to answer emails on my ageing computer -- sacker@eircom.net – but the blog-site is new to me, and I am old. Visits are best. Our species is at present rushing down the wrong road full-speed ahead, like the Titanic. Consider me a minor navigator on the boat, with time, and sense, to urge a change of course. And, finally, bear in mind my conviction that this changed course may be "written in our stars". I certainly hope so.


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