Wednesday, August 17


Q. what chance of "something like obol" ?? i can't see any. the world has me, it has fashioned me, i'm linked in at every point, no point presents me with more difficulty, or ease, than any other - violence excluded, and i seem able to neutralise that, it doesn't reach me any more, etc. the world is me as much as i am the world. we are as the dot in the yin-yang symbol to the surrounding contrast. the time is perfect. it's perfectly simple, simplicity perfect, -- and in my head (the human brain is the most complex small structure known to science) it is "infinitely" more adequately contained and organised than in the endless messages i have uttered, -but they largely exist (in your file as well as some others), and my house is a museum of the training period of the past 28 years, as well as rooted in its past and mine/ours. (And i suffer agonies for my children, just as others do, at this time as much as any other - as well as not doing so....there are 2 i-structures in my head, as i have said, tho with little reference back. everyone's children have their particular problems, but mine are specifically bound up with my training for this job, which they can never explain to protecting me with their janus-positions, buta lso entombing me.......early on i was twice seriously warned it was no job for a family man, but that is precisely what it is in the event.) forgive me, as i so often say (it is to forgive oneself...) love hugh


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