Friday, July 15

paragraph 16
(paragraph 16th and last)


"Would you engage, sir or mam with me before the cameras on
Q. What is or is not Reality?
R. ?

Non-violently, I shall soon understand you, and we will become friends -- except that i can do the same in infinite positions, non-violence conceded. That’s the Trick! Try me and see…….well, we have to get going some time, you know….what about making a start ??,,,i can be ever so friendly universal brother and sister hood conceded. In provisional acceptance of the principles pll lg ic till fully understood and instinctive….the urge to perfection !!!!!!! the habit of perfection the accompanying inconceivable increase in the wisdom of the species, as we find our souls in service of the infinite miracle of understanding love now fully unfolding in our funny weird carcases at this time. a united mind in billions of interdependent cells a power for the good of species and planet barely ever conceived….but now we have some idea of the problems of optimal survival from here on this planet, and united in the miracle of union overtaking us as i type we shallso enjoy and delight in saving and restoring planet asphodel’s natural fullest glory, and maintaining a paraDISAL HOME FOR THAT WHICH IS BORN IN US , the knowledge and love of the true divinity of it all. Amen obol


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