Saturday, February 25

mind traps and madness

we are educated into the mind-trap of the past, still powerful though
"globalisation" (the simple fact) renders divisive loyalties obsolete.
mind-traps can be sprung, and obolworld etc is an attempt to spring
the trap in which our fellows are caught. those of us fated to escape
this trap (before the herd) may well have to experience mental
breakdown....without any obvious alternative mind-set waiting on hand
to welcome us. (i did, but was buoyed up by family and beliefs for a
long time, then, doubtless like others who stay out of the trap they've
escaped - most re-enter - my mind began constructing a viable
alternative, and precedure for transition for the herd.) at some point, hopefully
nearby now, the media will focus on this issue, and test out the viability
of obolworld....which is pliable except in the matter of NO COERCION!
(physical force may only be used to keep the peace, prevent coercion,
never to compel any other obedience). i myself have 28 years experience now
in this field, and seek to discuss all issues with others. as you
know.....i repeat myself at the risk of boredom....i can't know what issues
interest others without being told. there has to be a figurehead for the herd
to pay attention, one even president bush has to acknowledge...."christ
re-incarnate" bringing peace, gospel morality, and unity to the
species.....(just an old man, actually, but jesus was just a
carpenter's son.)..and then the prospect that, as the herd changes mind and
manners, the individuals are filled with the "mind of christ" the world of
2006: peace in Iraq instantaneous, as the entire system that nourished war
collapses....and what now? individuals and pll lg ic. sharing out on a
global scale......what say you ?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

schizophrenia is mearly an overproduction of dopamine in the brain and can easly be kept under control with medication. I am a sufferer of it myself. Reading your post I thought you might find this web site intresting:
There is a message board in it where people with the disorder write poems, short stories and so on. Some of the stuff they write is really good.

12:50 p.m., February 25, 2006  
Blogger obol said...

brain chemistry does not exist/operate in a vacuum...

1:39 a.m., March 02, 2006  

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