Wednesday, March 8

compassion and the free-floating i

well, i woke up in the night, as often happens....with far-out thoughts, and made a note or two, but can't see it all so purely in the complexity of day.

i've long held that the essential mental difference between our present-day mentality and the alternative my particular i now believes in is, that in the one the i is trapped by fear from childhood reinforced by all around inside the ideas in the head... one has to defend oneself, look after number one, or go under. whereas in the alternative state of affairs, as existed in the trobriand islands for instance and as i believe must have existed in all christ figures etc, the i floats free, buoyant because in a good society each individual's every-moment welfare is the concern of all, and each individual grows automatically to cooperate in this state of affairs. then the general state imay be described as compassionate, but easily, freely so. so i get the adage "the fee-floating i is
essential for compassion": such an i has no particular attachment to, concern for
the individual in whose head it exists, but an automatic attachment to the virtues of for example pll, lg, ic, but all the true is always unoccupied, free to react, drawing on the experience in its stored experience and this store is its own store, but in unison with the stores in the other heads it meets. wisdom reigns.

as we, in ones and twos, and then more and more, appreciate the true nature of humanity at its best we liberate one another....and by so doing liberate ourselves. it's a process that is tough early on, but gets lighter and lighter as it spreads. of course this is all on the assumption that now is the time for this to happen globally, species-wise, but i have little doubt of's possible, desperately needed and fulfilling, and it joins up all the individual goodnesses struggling in a bad set-up ....which however had its raison d'etre.

the prisoner trapped in the unique cage of the socialised mind experiences ompassion for the compassionate visitor who surrenders own freedom to be lost in the sufferer's cage and maybe helps the new sufferer, thus releasing both. what do you think?


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