Wednesday, March 15

similarly; wrist 2

similarly, a long-time crucial issue for me has been: is our species in every aspect part and parcel of ....nature, or are we, as we have tended to suppose, somehow separate? if we are part and parcel, as i myself suppose, then our "hubris", "self-idolatry" etc is subordinate to the whole, as is our present tendency to outgrow this. what i suppose is that, having been through some sort of educative process, naturally, in the "order of things", we are now being re-integrated in our own understanding - or, "our own understanding is now being

there is nothing to regret, and only a little care to show, as in the case of my wrist. nor is it particularly difficult for each one of us to play our part....we shall do so willynilly, and as we come to realise this, we shall be happily caught up in the healing. all i have been programmed to do is think out how the problems our lot might see can resolve if realisation spreads fast globally and catches on. the more discussion occurs, the less maniacal my position and mind....


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